Copy of Chapter President Roadmap
CourseThis course supports Presidents throughout their term with the month-by-month tasks that are required of them, which will help set their chapter up for success and help them continue to grow as a principled business leader.
Copy of Introduction to Servant Leadership
CourseThis course provides an introduction to servant leadership, including what servant leadership is and a look at a few of the different components.
Copy of Birkman Method Assessment
CourseThis course provides an introduction to the Birkman Method Assessment, a personality assessment tool often offered to C-suite executives. Included are instructions for completing the assessment, and a deep dive into understanding your results.
Copy of Introduction to The Core Six™
CourseThis course provides an introduction to the Practice Your Skills pathway, including understanding what it is and an overview of The Core Six™ skills.
Copy of Introduction to Know Yourself
CourseThis course provides an introduction to the Know Yourself pathway, including understanding what it is, and the components of self-management and personal wellbeing.
Copy of Reframing Respect
CourseYou might have experienced microaggressions, and you might have been the aggressor. These comments aren't so tiny, and they can be disrespectful. This course looks at microaggressions from a lens of understanding and empowerment to reframe respect.