Passport to Success
CourseThis course walks through the I Inc. model, a career exploration and development process designed by Mike Callahan to prepare you for success. The process walks through exploring your passions, discovering your opportunities, and telling your story.
Birkman Method Assessment
CourseThis course provides an introduction to the Birkman Method Assessment, a personality assessment tool often offered to C-suite executives. Included are instructions for completing the assessment, and a deep dive into getting to know your results.
Get Your Brain On Board
CourseReady for a brain makeover to lead a happier, healthier, and more abundant life? During this webinar, you’ll experience a technique to quickly and easily reduce stress and feel calm, and learn how to get through your day with greater ease.
Introduction to Coaching
CourseCoaching is a process where a designated coach works with a coachee to improve performance. This course provides education on what coaching is, as well as identifies skills utilized in coaching.