Practice Your Skills with The Core Six™

After years of research on what skills employers most want to see in the employees they hire, Commonwealth Leadership™ developed The Core Six™, a set of core skills that are the basis for The Journey™ to Principled Business Leadership program. This course provides an introduction to these skills in terms of what they mean and their importance in principled business leadership.

The Introduction to The Core Six™ course will help you clarify the importance of and need for skill development, analyze your experience with The Core Six™ skills, and then act on starting your skill development journey!

  • Define The Core Six™ skills
  • Explore topics and concepts related to each of The Core Six™ skills
  • Explain the relationship between The Core Six™ skills and principled business leadership
  • Reflect on personal areas of growth related to inclusion topics

Course curriculum

    1. Skill Development

    2. Core Six™ Skills

    1. Decision-Making

    2. Financial Literacy

    3. Innovative Thinking

    4. Professional Communication

    5. Relationship Building

    6. Social Responsibility

    7. Core Six Knowledge Check

    1. Reflection

    2. What's Next

About this course

  • 11 lessons
  • about 2 hours 15 minutes

Certificate Credit

This course is part of the Introduction to Principled Business Leadership Certificate .
image of a certificate